About Us
PROLOGUE The WALMI was sprouted under USAID program during eighties. It came in to existence during 1984 under World Bank aided, Upper Ganga Irrigation Modernization Project. The basic objectives were to train farmers and the line agency officials of the Irrigation Department Uttar Pradesh. Traditional Activities Traditionally the core activities of the WALMI were: • Foundation Courses for Officials and officers of Irrigation Department • Refresher Course for Officials and officers of Irrigation Department • Conducting focused training program to the officials/officers of the Irrigation Department • Development of training modules Impact of State Water Policy In the year 1998, Uttar Pradesh State Water Policy – 1998, was proclaimed. Consequently the WALMI became the hub of the training activities. Consequently many new activities sprouted in addition to the conventional activities. The new domain of activities was: • Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) • Capacity Building of Water User Associations (WUA) • Monitoring and Evaluation of PIM activities • Monitoring and Evaluation of Water Resources projects The above mentioned activities were utterly untried. The institute took the challenge to move abreast with the time honored demand. Consequently the institute left no stone unturned in meeting out the expectations. This was possible through mobilizing in house capability, hiring experts from open market and collaboration with other institutes. Impact of the UPWSRP As per the Project Appraisal Document of the World Bank the WALMI Lucknow has been designated as key institutions in the formation training and capacity building of the Uttar Pradesh Water Sector Restructuring Project (UPWSRP). The institute is carrying a variety of activities under UPWSRP. Following are the main activities of the UPWSRP in which WALMI is involved: • Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) • Formation of Water User Association • Management of Minors and Drains • Management of Distributaries The Current Activities of WALMI Presently the institute is involved with a conglomeration of multifaceted activities. Some of the current activities structured by the WALMI are: • Foundation Courses for Officials and officers • Refresher Course for Officials and officers • Training in different domain of Water and Land Management to all the stake holders of Land and Water, for example, farmers, Water User Associations, Local government bodies, officials and officers of Irrigation Department, Agriculture Department, Command Area Development Authorities of the state of Uttar Pradesh and NGOs • Capacity Building of all the stake holders in relevant applied science and engineering aspects • Sensitization of Water Resources Stake holders in PIM • Conducting focused training program on Application of Computers • Conducting focused training program in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System • Conducting Monitoring and Evaluation of Irrigation Projects • Performance Evaluation of Water Resources Projects • Providing consulting in various aspects of the land and water management and agricultural management to Ministry of water Resources (MoWR) • Pilot Projects and Action Research Projects • Socio Economic Surveys and Impact Assessment • Environmental Surveys and Impact Assessment • Organizing National Seminars and workshop for knowledge dissemination • Development of training modules From above description it is clear that the role of the WALMI is dynamic that is changing from time to time. From a modest beginning its role kept changing over time and now its role is multifaceted and specialized. Future Activities • Nodal Institute for Capacity building in Water and Land Sector Management • Nodal Institute for organizing training program in applied Research in Land and Water sector • Filling gap in the area of research and field application in land and water sector • Water and Land Information system • Nodal institute for development of Optimal Water and Land Management Plan • Nodal Institute for carrying out Demonstration and adaptive trial studies • Monitoring and Evaluation of Water Resources projects |
• Training to officers & employees of Irrigation Deptt. U.P. on different fields related to irrigation systems. • Training to line agency officials, NGOs & farmer’s representatives on Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) and Participatory Watershed Management. • Consultancy, Process Documentation, Monitoring and Evaluation related to formation of Water User Associations (WUAs) and community organizations. • Preparation of extension literature for farmers in their language. • ‘Training of Trainers’ including identification of training needs. • Development of ‘Training Modules’ on useful topics related to Water Management and Land Development. • Consultancy and Training on Conjunctive Water Use. • Training and Consultancy on Command Area Development Activity On farm Development Works and subjects related to enhancement in productivity. • Monitoring and Evaluation of Socio-economic Impact including base line surveys. • Pilot Projects and Action Research Projects. • Special Studies including socio-economic surveys & Impact Analysis. • Consultancy on Site-specific problems. |
From The Director’s Desk |
The state of Uttar Pradesh embarked upon a program of executing a number of Irrigation and power projects. The Convoluted field investigation and design of water resources projects necessitated the establishment of Irrigation Research Institute in 1926. Very little capacity building program was undertaken by this research institute. The need of Capacity building in the domain of Water and Land Management was sprouted during seventies. The water and Land Management Institute (WALMI) came into existence during 1984. The basic objective of the institute was to train farmers and the line agency officials of the Irrigation Department Uttar Pradesh. After proclamation of the ‘Uttar Pradesh State Water Policy – 1998’ WALMI became the hub of the training activities. The new domain of activities of the institute is organizing foundation and refresher courses for Officials, officers of Irrigation Department and other stake holders, such as, farmers, Water User Associations, Local government bodies, officials and officers of Agriculture Department, Command Area Development Authorities and NGOs. Institute conducts sensitization and awareness programs for PIM activities. Specialized training on application of modern techniques, computers, remote Sensing and geographical Information System are also conducted. Monitoring and evaluation of irrigation projects are also undertaken. Institute provides consultation on different aspects of the land, water and agriculture management to the Ministry of water Resources (MoWR). Pilot Projects, Action Research Projects, Socio Economic Surveys, Impact Assessment, Environmental Surveys are also conducted. Institute organizes Seminars and workshop for knowledge dissemination. From a modest beginning the role of the institute kept changing over time and now its role is multifaceted and specialized. The training calendar of the institute has been prepared to cater the need of water and land management stakeholders. I hope this will serve your institutes need. |